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  • 19 Jul 2018 4:07 PM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

  • 18 Jul 2018 3:32 PM | Brad Monterio

    This paper surveys the non-financial reporting landscape of Australia using data and insights from the Reporting Exchange. With WBCSD’s Global Network Partner, Sustainable Business Australia (SBA), we explore the challenges and opportunities for corporate reporting in the country, drawing on international best practice to provide suggested steps to ensure Australia is a global leader in sustainable finance.

    Link to WBCSD report >>

  • 18 Jul 2018 3:30 PM | Brad Monterio

    Willow Aliento |  10 July 2018

    The glossy sustainability report with its pretty pictures of trees seedlings could become a thing of the past, as leading companies increasingly incorporate environmental, social and governance matters into mainstream annual reporting.

    Sustainable Business Australia chief executive Andrew Petersen said this is because it is increasingly recognised that financial risks are “usually a consequence of non-financial risks.”

    A recent example is the scandal engulfing the Commonwealth Bank, where “hubris” resulted in clear financial consequences for the bank, Petersen told The Fifth Estate.

    Worldwide, in 2017 34 per cent of World Business Council for Sustainable Development members produced integrated reporting in 2017, up from 28 per cent in 2016.

    Climate change is seen as something that can have an impact on the financial balance sheet. It is being seen as a material issue, not a political one, and there is an “interconnectivity” being recognised.  More>>

  • 18 Jul 2018 3:25 PM | Brad Monterio

    The truths and myths of sustainability- & non-financial reporting

    by Adrian Braun

    Do you need non-financial reporting in a business? What does it even mean, non-financial reporting? Is managing a business not complicated enough with accounting, taxation, banking, annual reports and shareholder announcements? Now, diverse people with different positions and backgrounds claim that you need a sustainability report, highlighting your efforts and performances in non-monetary perspectives. Ok fair enough, sustainability is good, it is popular, it is on agendas of governments, and it is protecting the environment. However, is it not rather something for the big global players in business, the big polluters and the companies that have the pocket money to invest into these efforts outside the core business?

    I would like to clear up two common prejudices of sustainability strategies in businesses… more>>

  • 21 Jun 2018 9:52 AM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

    Powerful findings that encourage the long-term thinking advocated by the integrated reporting movement. Here's the abstract of this paper by Jarrad Harford of University of Washington, Ambrus Kecskes of York University - Schulich School of Business, and Sattar Mansi of Virginia Tech:

    We study the effect of investor horizons on a comprehensive set of corporate decisions. We argue that monitoring by long-term investors generates decision making that maximizes shareholder value. We find that long-term investors strengthen governance and restrain managerial misbehaviors such as earnings management and financial fraud. They discourage a range of investment and financing activities but encourage payouts. Innovation increases, in quantity and quality. Shareholders benefit through higher profitability that the stock market does not fully anticipate, and lower risk.

    Access the full paper

  • 6 Jun 2018 6:42 PM | Brad Monterio

    Last week, the European Accounting Association held its 41st Annual Congress in Milan.  I spoke on a panel on Integrated Reporting (see link and Symposium 2: with Mary Barth of Stanford University, and Richard Barker of Oxford University - we focused on the issues of the usefulness of information, including data quality and reliability within integrated reports. 

  • 6 Jun 2018 6:25 PM | Brad Monterio

    Below is a link to an article that I recently co-authored with Jeffrey Thomson, CEO of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) and a member of the IIRC Council/the US IR Working Group for SF Magazine (Strategic Finance).  We focused on the use of the COSO internal control - integrated framework to build more confidence in sustainability performance information contained in corporate reports.  It is based upon a thought paper that Jeff and I also co-authored last fall with Robert Herz, former FASB chair and member of the SASB Foundation Board on the same topic.  the link to the article is here:    

    A link to the full thought paper is also embedded at the beginning of the article. Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks.


  • 29 May 2018 8:46 AM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

    Investment company Parnassus provides an investor view of our movement:

    Integrated reporting is also likely to improve a company’s reputation with stakeholders—shareholders, customers, employees and community members—who are concerned about social responsibility. It is particularly valuable for the investor who seeks reassurance that the company they invest in is taking a long-term view and managing future risks.

    The article also showcases Clorox. Our community will be featuring Clorox in a program in the fall of 2018. 

    Read the full article

  • 9 May 2018 9:02 AM | Paul Thompson

    The average US public company today has a life span of 30 years—annually, one in ten fails and the average five-year mortality risk is 32% and the average age of an S&P 500 company is under 20 years, down from 60 years in the 1950s—what’s going on here? Read more here.

  • 8 May 2018 5:28 PM | Paul Thompson

    Anglo African issued its first integrated report for the year ended 30 June 2015 and is now committed to expanding integrated thinking and reporting across its subsidiaries. Founder Sanjeev V. Manrakhan explains to ACCA how integrated reporting has influenced strategic decisions and brought important benefits.




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